Sonntag, den 07 August ab 11.00 Uhr, Berlin
Myanmar in Zeiten von Protest, Putsch und Machterhalt – Hintergründe und Handlungsoptionen, 34 Jahre nach der 88er Revolution
Jetzt Kinokarte kaufen:
Third Floor On The Left, Sonntag, 7. August 2022, 11:00
Padauk: Myanmar Spring, Sonntag, 7. August 2022, 14:30
Eintritt: 8,00 € zzgl. 10 % Gebühr über Kinoheld/Onlineverkauf
Ermäßigt: 6,00 € (Studentinnen, Rentnerinnen, Berlin Pass) – nur an der Tageskasse
In Myanmar herrscht ein Jahr nach dem Putsch des Militärs noch immer Bürgerkrieg, täglich sterben Menschen, Tausende befinden sich in Gefangenschaft. Die Wirtschaft liegt vor dem Erliegen, die Lebensmittel sind knapp. Die gesundheitliche Versorgung ist nicht gesichert.
In der ersten Zeit nach dem Putsch eine große Anzahl weltweiter Solidaritätsbekundungen, Unterstützungsaktionen und Proteste stattfanden, ist es nun ruhig um das Thema geworden. Das wollen wir ändern!
Am 08. August jährt sich das berühmte 8888-Uprising zum 34. Mal. Als Andenken an diesem historischen Tag findet am Samstag, den 07. August ab 11.00 Uhr im Moviemento in Berlin Kreuzberg ein Projekttag zu der aktuellen Situation in Myanmar statt. Wir wollen anhand von Vorträgen, Diskussionsrunden und Filmen erneut Aufmerksamkeit erzeugen und die Geschehnisse in globalen Kontext setzen.
Genaue Informationen zu den Filmen und Programmdetails folgen!
Organisiert wird die Veranstaltung von German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy in Zusammenarbeit mit der Myanmar Study Group.
Moderierte Filmcreenings, Q&A, Einspieler/Grußworte, Vorträge, Diskussion, Essen, Infostand
2 Vorstellungen -in der Pause Essensverkauf in der Lounge:
11.00 Uhr: Third Floor On The Left – Kinosaal 2 (67 Plätze)
14:30 Uhr: Padauk: Myanmar Spring – Kinosaal 1 (104 Plätze)
Anschließend Kurzfilm: CDM Doctors
Third Floor on the Left WORLD PREMIERE
Myanmar 2021, 88 min., directed by Kaung Sint
Cast: Aung Myint Myat (as Zwal), May (as his wife Khin Hnin), Thar Nyi (as Producer Bala), Myo Sandi Kyaw (as Zar Chi) and others
Language: Burmese with english subtitles
Genre: Drama
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG8egPggtp8
Young filmmaker Zwal and his pregnant wife Khin Hnin recently moved into a new apartment. Zwal has just finished his latest filmproject and needs money. Lots of money, urgently! So the two are planning a housewarming party for the next evening with a private screening of his film to talk to a handful of producers and co-workers about distribution. Suddenly an opportunity arises to get rid off all debts and start a new movie, when he saw a man finding diamonds in a hiding place. Zwal killed the man und looted the gems. The next day, he sells some of the diamonds and the couple start preparing their party. In the evening the guests appear but among work-friends and producers, a stranger also shows up, insisting on seeing his film. Shortly after the film screening, heated discussions ensue and one after the other leaves the apartment – except for one. The stranger stays and the night becomes full of tension, harrowing and grievously life-threatening for the filmmaker and his wife…
Kaung Sint is a burmese editor, actor and director, known for „Across“ (2015), „A Thousand Years of Love“ (2018) and „Rash“ (2019). He stages his feature length debut „Third Floor On The Left“ in black and white images as a chamber play, sets in just one apartment.
Padauk: Myanmar Spring
USA 2021, 56 min., directed by Jeanne Marie Hallacy & Rares Michael Ghilezan
Language: English, Burmese with english subtitles
Genre: Documentary
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/585550589
Synapsis short:
An award winning documentary about the nationwide youth-led protests and civil disobedience movement during the heady days following the February 2021 military coup, which offers insights of the Myanmar people’s political awakening and struggle for justice and democracy. Beautifully augmented by poetry and art, “Padauk: Myanmar Spring” shows the resilience and determination of the people of Myanmar, and the sacrifices they’ve made.
Through Nant, a young, first-time protester, we meet three human rights activists whose lives have been turned upside down by the coup. Many young people had grown up with a sense of hope over the last decade as the country began to open up and some form of democracy began to flourish in the wake of the 2015 victory for Aung San Suu Kyi’s National league for Democracy (NLD) party.
When Myanmar’s new military junta seized power on 1 February 2021 and overturned the results of democratic elections, the people of Yangon, Mandalay and many other cities and towns took it upon themselves to protest and fight back.
As the protests continue, Nant comes to understand the truth of a brutal regime that has continued to wage war against its own people for decades. Nant- as one of the millions of youth who were previously not engaged in political or social issues – but realized through the coup that they had been blinded by the military propaganda and lacked compassion for the Rohingya and ethnics.
Another main character in the documentary is Zaw, a teacher-turned-activist, who said as Generation Z or Gen Z, they were the last generation to fight against the military – the last chance to crush the horror of military rule. Zaw said put the fight into perspective. Our grandparents failed against General Ne Win, our parents failed against General Than Shwe, he said, and now it is Gen Z that is fighting against General Min Aung Hlaing.
Selected Screenings & Awards
Burma Spring Benefit Film Festival, San Francisco, CA 2021
Seoul International Women’s Film Festival, South Korea, 2021
Busan Peace Film Festival, Busan, South Korea, 2021
Dharamshala International Film Festival, Dharamshala, India, 2021
Wir freuen uns auf Euch!