Welcome to
German Solidarity Myanmar

We are GSM - an association whose members mainly live in Germany and support a free, democratic and inclusive Myanmar.

PLEASE NOTE: Our english website is currently ongoing - not all content is translated, yet!

Latest Status Updates

Since the military coup, we have been collecting, compiling and publishing current and important information and events from Myanmar on a weekly basis.

These Status Updates are only available in German!

Latest updates and activities of our association



Film Screening in Frankfurt

Zusammenarbeit mit Artists' Shelter und Verband der Hausfrauen (အိမ်ရှင်မများအဖွဲ့)
Eintritt: 10,00€
(Unterstützungsprogramm für Künstler*innen, die im Land politisch verfolgt sind und sich an der Grenze Thailand-Myanmar befinden.)

  • Date: 21.07.2024 (Sunday)
  • Time: Entrance and Food Sale - 12:00 PM, Screening at 2:00 PM
  • Venue: Saalbau Griesheim, Schwarzerlenweg 57, 65933 Frankfurt am Main
    (Alle Filme sind auf Englisch untertitelt.)

On 01.02.2021, the military in Myanmar staged a coup. It occupied the parliament and prevented the newly elected government from holding its inaugural session. High-ranking government politicians and other leaders and activists were arrested and their communication with the outside world was cut off. The Myanmar public reacted immediately. With the help of social media, much of civil society turned out to protest on the streets of the cities. Meanwhile, female employees of the Ministry of Health formed the General Strike Movement of Civil Disobedience (CDM), which brought the country to a standstill.
A wide range of creative, colourful forms of protest came together in the protests of the first weeks after the coup. But the military selectively escalated and is extremely brutal against the demonstrators.

On 9 February, Mya Thwate Thwate Khaing was shot dead during protests in the capital Naypyidaw and became the first fatality of the coup. Since then, the military and police have increasingly used violence against protesters and the population: people are randomly executed with targeted shots to the head, armed "security forces" storm citizens' homes at night and spread terror. Thousands have been arrested: while some are under house arrest, it is unclear where many of those arrested are being held and whether they are still alive. On 27 March alone, the official military holiday, over 100 people were cruelly and arbitrarily murdered. The situation is also escalating in the border areas. Armed conflicts with armed groups are flaring up again. The country is on the brink of civil war.

Our Highlights

About us

We, the association "German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy e. V.", are a group of people who live predominantly in Germany and who support a free, democratic and inclusive Myanmar. We support the demands of civil society actors for a free, democratic and self-determined Myanmar. In doing so, we recognise that the domestic political situation in Myanmar is complex and multi-layered. The country's future can only be sustainably shaped from within. Our hopes lie in the realisation of human rights towards peace, federalism and democracy.