Our association

We, the association "German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy e. V.", are a group of people who mainly live in Germany and support a free, democratic and inclusive Myanmar. Many of us have lived in Myanmar for years and worked in development cooperation, business or the cultural scene.
We strongly oppose the recent illegal coup by the Burmese military, also known as Tatmadaw. We want to show our support, love and solidarity with friends, partners and family members in Myanmar. They are not alone.
We are watching. We are listening. We act to support them.

Demands / Claims
We are committed to a free, democratic and self-determined Myanmar. In doing so, we recognise that the domestic political situation in Myanmar is complex and multi-layered. Myanmar is a multicultural, multiethnic state and has a colonial past. The country's future can only be shaped sustainably from within. Our hopes lie in the steady development of the country towards peace, federalism and democracy. With the military coup of 1 February 2021, the ruling military elites have finally discarded their self-portrayal as the protective power of democratic development. We therefore fully support the demands of the peaceful protest movement for a new, liberal and modern constitution. The future of the country lies in universal respect for human rights, a modern and tolerant education and health system and a responsible and sustainable domestic economy for all citizens.
In view of the current situation and the information available to us, we advocate for:
- the release of political prisoners in Myanmar
- the recognition of the democratically elected people's representatives of the Hluttaw as the government-forming institution of the country
- the recognition of the peaceful CDM movement as a justifiable form of resistance to the illegal military take-over of power
- international sanctions against the Tatmadaw military leadership
- the immediate termination of all international economic relations with the Myanmar military and its corporations
- international companies to fully comply with their own standards of corporate responsibility in their business relations with Myanmar companies.

What we do
We support the democracy movement in Myanmar from Germany with various activities that show our solidarity and demand concrete changes in politics and the economy. We are in constant exchange with many people in Myanmar in order to be able to take concrete action.
We inform journalists and politicians, work against German companies that have business relations with the military junta, organise and support protest actions and vigils throughout the country, have launched a petition to expel the military attaché in Germany, mediate when people from Myanmar also feel threatened here on the ground and support fundraising campaigns that we are familiar with.